Sometimes I wonder what happened to the people we met before, maybe the waitress at the coffee house, is know a famous singer, or the pizza delivery guy is a hero. Maybe you influenced a person by giving a smile when passing them on the street or giving a penny when someone is singing on the tube. You may have changed someone's life forever, and you may never know, but it's an exciting thought. The world can be full of hate and pain but one small smile can go along way even when the person receiving the smiles doesn't return it. We always find away to do the simple things ,they say the simple things are what means the most, so try it ,feel good, because maybe you changed someone's life and if not maybe they changed yours with a smile that gave you hope, or a little sorry as they rush past you just show that people do still care and you didn't even know it.
What about the people you did know, you know people in school, people we were once friends with. Have you ever wanted to know, Where they are? What there doing? How they have been? Don't you want to know. What happened to the people that influenced you, do you think they think about you? Do you wonder about them? These people make you who you are and you make those people who they are ,Now that's an a amazing thing. Just some small and big things change peoples life's.
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