Monday, 18 August 2014

The Pursuit Of Hapiness

If you take one thing away from this blog post take this.........

Don't think about the pursuit of happiness but think about the happiness in the pursuit

Happiness, It can be many things to people. Sometimes people think happiness is a destination ,a place we will get to one day when we have a dream life, the dream job and car but it's not. 
Happiness is a mood a like being hungry or tired ,we know one day soon we feel hungry or tired so we don't worry that mood won't be there. 
People think that maybe happiness is just the part of life they don't get or that it runs out or they will get it one day. They're wrong. Simple.
Every time you smile that's a glimpse of happiness, a glimpse of hope. When its hard to even think about smiling just think everyone has a problem,no one is perfect and to them the problem seems like the end of the world to them, sometimes it is but that doesn't mean there is no future. For how ever long the future is. 
Just Smile Right Now. 
Just think of time when you were happy because you will feel that again. 
Sometimes you just can't let go of the pain because it's been there for so long you don't know how to let go ,you push happiness away thinking it won't ever stay and your right it won't happiness comes and goes its a part of life. It's about smiling while you can and letting the hurt swallow you so you can come out fighting, cry all your tears away to make room for your smiles that will come and then do the whole cycle again. Sometimes the pain will always be there maybe not in your heart but in your mind, that doesn't mean that you can't carry on if you laugh once today, and then cry at night and think that your not happy, you wrong because today for just a second you were happy.
Happiness isn't a full time thing, Bloody hell we would all be annoying if we were happy all the time. 
The world doesn't stop. We have to keep going through the tears through the pain and let people in and trust, if you cant your just lying to yourself, to everyone just pretending to smile and be someone your not. 
The whole in your heart where happiness should be will never be there not unless you fix it , no one can do that for you. 
You can't take things back, you have to build things around your mistakes.
You need to realise things change and they change again and it will be okay, just know there is love everywhere and you are loved even when you don't see it.

Thanks For Reading!

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